Sunday, July 11, 2004


Hey Folks,

I am here in New Delhi. It turns out that all of our time in this
city is spent staying at one guest house, which is nice. I am glad that we don't have to move around from place to place.

It feels like we have been here much longer than we actually have. Probably because we have seen and done so much in the short time that we have been here.

The girls have been to a market and bought proper clothing (very
comfy), we've been shown where to shop and eat, been to an Indian fast food restaurant, had an orientation, experienced some CUH RAY ZEE traffic and driving, had two chinese food meals, went to the theatre and saw the movie Troy, and tried to get some sleep.

Mark got here safely, and with him came Alaina's bag. It had been
delayed in Hong Kong. We were glad to see both the bag and our

The lady who did the orientation reminded me so much of Aunt Margaret. It was very comforting. My first morning here I was kind of spinning in the head. Actually I was rather disappointed with my reaction as I have been to this type of place before. So I did crying, talking, thinking and journaling, I remembered those who were thinking of me back in Canada, had some breakfast and a nap - and I was a whole new woman.

It is quite warm here, but everyone is fond of air conditioning - and so am I! We are sweating a lot and trying to keep up the water in-take. It is an adjustment to say the least.

Some good news: we will have somewhat regular email access while here in the Delhi region AND our train ride north will only be 24 hours rather than the expected 36, plus our train car will be air
conditioned. The only bad news the train travel we are doing is that we will be doing by ourselves. I am not worried, we are traveling first class, which is very safe. We have our first taste of train travel tomorrow (Monday) as we go to Hardiwar (sp?). Please think of us as we do this traveling.

Health of the team is good. There have been some upset tummies and headaches, but nothing that can't be expected from all the traveling and adjusting to a new climate.

Well, I need to take a nap.
Love to all of you,
