Saturday, August 28, 2004

Not dead...

..just in Hamilton. Arh, har har. I'm looking to post a small selection of pics up here, but my FTP was only a trial version and it ran out while I was gone. And I'm doing some work on my computer - so after the work, I'll get another FTP and then I'll get all retrospective and keep up this vicarious living relationship that we have going on.

In the mean time here is your random Hindi word for the day (zero points for spelling):

Got-chew-wha it means turtle. Now, aren't you a better person for knowing that? Yes, yes you are..


Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Some Thoughts

So I've had a little time to process, or to chew on the brain food I've been accumulating. Late tonight I will have been home for a week. I'm still tired off my face, though I haven't exactly been afforded any days to just lay around and rest. I think my brain is happier that way, but my body is angry. Oh body, you'll get your sleep when we're dead and not a minute before.

People whom I have run into over this week have been asking me for little snippets of my experience. "Just tell me one thing", they say. I'm very happy to oblige, though anyone who's done this type of thing before knows that it is hard to pick on thing that can be amply explained in five minutes or less. I apologize if you hear the same snippet twice, I usually pick my favourites to share. So just tell me that I'm being my usual redundant self and ask me to tell you something different. I'd be glad to share.

My deep, thinking Christian friends have already started to quiz me on what God showed me whilst I was gone. And I think for a few team members that will be more simple to put into a few sentences. For quite a while I didn't think I could do that, and then God showed me a theme to our time together through my newfound love of cheesy metaphors.

You'll recall the blog entry about the stairs in Hong Kong, you may have picked up on my distaste for climbing so many stairs. This stairs thing kept popping up. It seemed everywhere we went there ended up being some element of stair climbing; be it the piping hot marble stairs at the Taj or the huge sandstone stairs in the dark of the largest Muslim prayer tower in Delhi.

After climbing the prayer tower steps I said out loud, "you'd think God was trying to teach me something with all these stairs..." And then SMACK it hit me, He was. Those who know me well know that although I am not deep, I am a thinker, the wheels are always turning in some direction or another. So it is with that that I often get ahead of myself and ahead of God, or at least the plans that He has for me.

The events of this trip really showed me how a step by step walk with God can work. I had said the words step by step before, but never had I really seen with my eyes how it worked. Ok, sure God has been doing it my whole life, but I had been blind to it. Being in India, or Ghana or West Hamilton, I don't know what is going to happen next, I frequently like to think I know what is going to happen in the future, but I don't. I go about making plans and expect God to just tag along. I never ask Him, I just expect. While I was gone I really saw the benefit and the fruit of telling my thoughts to God before I did things, and involving Him in the planning of events no matter how small they were. But I also saw how much he could work with nothing, and in the unknown.

One of the coolest things that became so apparent to me was the supply to the demand of my deepest needs. And when I looked back at my life I could point out so many instances where He had given me just what I needed, when I needed it. I think it is a great privilege to be able to look at your life through the lens of a new lesson learned and see how much you missed.

So now that I'm back I'm hoping to cling to that step by step mind set. I've got some tough courses, more work at the Pit, and I feel like I'm being called to be more involved at school. The thought of that makes me want to run and live in Brighton (kidding, Brighton is great), but then I remember that every step of the way God is with me. He will provide the tools to get through Greek and to balance my schedule. But its not even about the receiving of tools and gifts, but that through a closer relationship with the one who is my Saviour it doesn't matter if I give me all and still fail Greek, or get to busy and have to quit something - 'cause I still have Him. That is all that matters.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Home Safe

I'm typing this at SIM Canada HQ in Toronto...I'm just waiting for my parents to show up. We are back in Canada, we have been debriefed and are just waiting to leave.

Thank you all for your prayers, your donations, your thoughts and your work. It is/was so appreciated. I will do my best to get to see as many of you as I can. And I will try and post some stories, memories, lessons learned, and reflections as I get over jet lag.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

The Last Email?

We are safely in Delhi. The train ride was much less hungry, and had
much more day light. We got picked up at the station, dropped off our
bags and went to Pizza Hut. It sat fantastic with me, but others,
well it didn't sit at all.

Today we had some meetings and discussions about how things have been,which has been nice. We also did the usual Sunday routine. And now
we're in the process of trying to decide where to go for suppper.

Tomorrow we are doing a driving tour of Delhi, and then we sleep, as
we have to be at the airport around 4am to fly out around 7am. I've
already been trying to strategize my sleeping habits for the journey
as we arrive in Toronto around 10:30 pm but will have just finished an18 hour plan ride. We also get the day back that we skipped by flying
over the international date line. So we leave on the 10th and we get
to Canada on the 10th. The world's longest day!

I'm excited to come back, but already stressing myself out about all
the things that have to be done when I get there. Silly me.

Remember us as we prepare to deal with our individual things as we
return to Canada. Some are glad to get back, others would rather chop
off a limb than go back, some have demons to slay and are seeking the
courage, and others will just need the time to digest what they have

I look forward to seeing as many of you as I can without going crazy. Ha ha. I'll take lots of hugs.

Love and Hugs,


Thursday, August 05, 2004

Wikedy Wild

Howdy,The 'net is finally up in the land of ....hotness..rice...children and cookies. Today is our last day here and we greet that with sadness and joy, fatigue and smiles.

Right now Simon, Alaina, Mark and Brian are all in Nepal. There is a market there that is supposed to be very cheap. Dylon and I opted out of going. We both have work to do here and I would like to spend my last afternoon here with the children. Last night the whole team slept with the children in the hostel. It was a riot. The girls put on little skits for us, they dressed up as Moses, and Martha and Jesus, and they sang all the songs they learned. It was too funny. Really you haven't lived until you've seen a 5 year old orphaned Nepali girl wearing your shirt and walking around with a stick to part the Red Sea.

We had an absolute blast with the oldest group of kids. It was nice not to have to speak through a translator, and to move from just telling stories to trying to challenge them. They had to so much energy; it took all of our camp, youth works, and teaching experience to put together a program that seemed worthy. They responded really well, so I think by grace we did ok.

We get on our 24 hour (assuming all things run on time) train back to Delhi tomorrow. We are told that it is a much nicer ride as it fits better with one's daily we got on the train in the morning, have fun on the train all day, go to sleep, and when we wake up we should be in Delhi..ta da! Here's to hoping it goes smoothly and that I don't lose too many card games.

There will be a few things to do in Delhi to wrap up the trip and then we come home. I think as with any trip of this nature we are both happy and sad to be coming home. We all share a new love for nation of promise, but we miss our family, friends and familiarity.

I will try and relate some stories when we get back to Delhi.

Lots of Love


ps, Krista T, if you are reading these, can you send me an email about your wedding, and rehearsally type things, and times and how to get there, 'cause my invite is in Hamilton (i think).....yeah, i miss you and I can't wait till your big day!